The 8 Greatest NationBuilder Tools

Unleashing your nonprofit’s true potential depends largely on the tools you’re using. As more causes begin to understand and leverage the value of adopting the NationBuilder platform, the demand for tools is booming. 



NationBuilder’s community management platform allows you to connect and stay connected with the people that matter the most. We put together this beautiful infographic to illustrate some of the most valuable tools that you can use to take full advantage of the NationBuilder platform. 

#1 Lob

Quit wishing you were here and get there. Send a personal touch with Lob’s postcard and letter service that’s as easy as sending email. Lob allows your cause to send that personal and creative touch, going way beyond a standard mail that goes to a supporter’s spam or promotions inbox.

#2 One Click Politics 

Your message won’t get very far if the right people aren’t listening. OCP is your go-to guys for connecting with all the power players. OCP is key to driving your supporters to engage with and influence the influencers. If you are pushing for political change then it’s just a click away.  

#3 Tectonica Tools

You’ve worked hard building up your supporter base. The easier part should be bringing all those supporters’ details together in one place. With TT you’re just one click away from importing all those hard earned contacts from Gmail, Mailchimp and Constant Contact. In a matter of seconds all your contact details will be pooled in one data source.

#4 Tilt

It feels like just about everybody is using Tilt to raise funds and we can see why. Tilt is finally making crowdfunding do what it’s supposed to; Make money for great causes.

#5 RallyBound 

A great tool for peer to peer fundraising that integrates social media to spread the word and earn more campaign funds.  

#6 PrintChomp

Ever try printing campaign material at 2am? Printchomp streamlines the process, save you time and deliveries all your printed goodies.

#7 Veracity Mapper 

We’d be lost without Veracity that maps out all your supporters. Behold the beauty of seeing where your backbone dwells.

#8 Veracity Blog Importer

This baby is a huge time saver when it comes to importing blog posts from your old site. The best way to garner support is by telling a story. VBM allows you to import all your blog posts to NationBuilder, along with authors, tags, images and formatting.