Holiday Gifts That Change The World


Still looking for a last minute Christmas gift? Skip the chaos at the mall, stay home with loved ones, cook some delicious food and, instead, make a donation to a great organization.

Here, we have gathered some of our favorite Tectonica recommendations for giving to make the world a better place. You’ll receive instant karma and - for our friends in the US - the extra gift of year-end tax deductions.  (And while decorations may give a few minutes of holiday cheer, the real elves making Christmas baubles have a different experience.)

Below are several of the wonderful organizations we've worked with over the past year who would love a gift of holiday cheer.

The Center for Harm Reduction Therapy

Addiction is a grave issue in modern life. HRTC provides an alternative to traditional 12-step programs and reduces the harm of substance abuse on families and individuals regardless of their circumstances. Especially around the holidays, and for HRTC’s homeless or marginally housed clientele, your donation will go a lot further than dropping change in a bucket with a guy ringing a bell. The science agrees.


DCI - Palestine

DCI Palestine has documented human rights violations against children in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the past twenty years. In January, we will roll out a new site for the organization with information and unique media that will be sure to gain notice and results. Meanwhile, during the holiday season, take the opportunity to support this amazing cause. 



Friends Against Violence Everywhere unites young people who are in the line of fire in their schools and neighborhoods. FAVE was formed after the Sandy Hook shooting to empower youth with a voice to fight for reform of US gun laws that threaten their safety. 



If you seek peace on earth and goodwill towards all people, CODEPINK is putting the pink peace boots on the ground to make it happen. Whether protesting the wars started by President Bush, or on the front lines fighting to demilitarize the police, CODEPINK are fabulous warriors for peace. We are working with CODEPINK on some exciting projects which will launch early next year, so keep your eyes peeled and support these amazing activists. 


Local Organizations

Be like Santa and spread your goodwill all over the world. Though we have not worked with all of these local organizations, we believe that they are all worthy causes that give genuine aid to communities in need.

Fundación Banco de Alimentos

The Fundación Banco de Alimentos helps those who are hungry in and around our home city of Buenos Aires.  They feed 93,000 people per day, most of them children, often with high-quality food from stores or restaurants which would otherwise be thrown out.  In this way, FBdA makes the most efficient use out of your donations so that everyone can have a happier holiday.


Drug Policy Alliance

The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) is the nation's leading organization promoting drug policies that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.

Their supporters believe the war on drugs is doing more harm than good. Together they advance policies that reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition.


Transgender Justice

TGI Justice Project is a group of transgender people—inside and outside of prison—creating a united family in the struggle for survival and freedom.

They collaborate to forge a culture of resistance and resilience to strengthen us for the fight against imprisonment, police violence, racism, poverty, and societal pressures. TGI Justice seeks to create a world rooted in self determination, freedom of expression, and gender justice.


Sea Shepherd

Since 1977, Sea Shepherd has been on the front lines to fight destruction of habitat and the slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans, and conserve and protect ecosystems and species.

They are unique for using direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary - including confrontation with illegal whaling and fishing expeditions which are pillaging our common worldwide resources.
