Now On Tectonica.Tools: The Ecwid Connector for NationBuilder

E-commerce solutions offer a myriad possibilities for digital campaigns. Whether for selling merchandising, offering special tickets for an event, or spreading stickers that promote your cause, online stores offer the chance to engage with your supporters and raise funds at the same time.

In this context, integrating your store to your campaign site is key. And choosing your e-commerce platform plays no small role in that. While many teams opt to integrate Shopify into their NationBuilder website, numerous others are choosing Ecwid for its convenient price and ability to use multiple channels, such as Facebook.

For those campaigners, we created the Ecwid Connector for NationBuilder, part of our Tectonica.Tools suite. This tools allows your NationBuilder site to sync automatically with your Ecwid store, so that your People database includes the supporters who purchased items. Additionally, the Ecwid Connector offers the possibility to integrate purchases as donations, so you can keep track of the funds each supporter is giving towards your campaign.


Our Tectonica.Tools e-commerce connectors open new doors to engaging with your support base. For example, you might choose to target your messaging to people who have spent a specific amount of money in your store, or locate promising donors and send them an email. Other possibilities include offering special perks to purchasers, such as exclusive content or updates. This is especially interesting to authors and creators who choose NationBuilder to power their websites.

The Ecwid Connector for NationBuilder is offered as part of our Premium suite, which includes other great tools to power up your campaign site. Gmail and Outlook connectors integrate your email contacts with your People database, while the Mailchimp and Constant Contact connectors allow you to use your prefered tools for email marketing. If you need to manage your event attendance, the Eventbrite connector is perfect to keep track of your supporters’ interest and attendance. In addition, we offer support to all our Premium customers.

Ready to step up your sales on your website? Sign up for Tectonica.Tools now.